Vengeance is thine: Miscellaneous thoughts about punishment

I.עַ֚יִן תַּ֣חַת עַ֔יִן The Lex Talonis- "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". We're taught that our society rejected it as barbaric and harsh, and inclined itself further to mercy. However the maximum prison sentence in New York for felony assault is at least 3 years, and frankly, I'd rather lose … Continue reading Vengeance is thine: Miscellaneous thoughts about punishment

Everything is negotiable on the right (and left)

If you enjoy this article check out my book, I’ve made it free to help you self-quarantine: I've heard people express the following astonishments: "Why are conservatives arguing for everyone to go back to work? Aren't conservatives supposed to have stronger disgust and fear-of-disease instincts?" "Why do conservatives so often viciously criticise Democrats who had … Continue reading Everything is negotiable on the right (and left)

Prejudice against the poor is as bad as racism or sexism, let’s start treating it that way.

If you enjoy this article check out my book, I've made it free to help you self-quarantine: During the Twitter wars around the Democratic primary, a number of people felt comfortable being openly contemptful of the poor. This is not unusual, but the nature of Sanders movement, and its supposedly "progressive" opposition, meant that … Continue reading Prejudice against the poor is as bad as racism or sexism, let’s start treating it that way.

Institutions, democrats and the left: What has to be done

The same problem dooms both the Democrats and the leftwing insurgency within the Democrats: Democrats love and trust America's institutions. This love of institutions makes it impossible for the Democrats to consistently do well- because trust in American institutions is at an all-time low in the electorate generally. Any party which says American institutions are … Continue reading Institutions, democrats and the left: What has to be done

Thou shameless blood-coat hypocrite: An address to a blue check Biden supporter

He who shall hurt the little wren Shall never be beloved by men. -Auguries of Innocence So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit thee out of my mouth. -Revelation 3:16 I want to address the people who claimed to oppose Bernie for sundry woke excuses, but now support … Continue reading Thou shameless blood-coat hypocrite: An address to a blue check Biden supporter