Everything is negotiable on the right (and left)

If you enjoy this article check out my book, I’ve made it free to help you self-quarantine: https://deponysum.com/2020/03/30/something-to-read-in-quarantine-essays-2018-to-2020/ I've heard people express the following astonishments: "Why are conservatives arguing for everyone to go back to work? Aren't conservatives supposed to have stronger disgust and fear-of-disease instincts?" "Why do conservatives so often viciously criticise Democrats who had … Continue reading Everything is negotiable on the right (and left)

A brief comment on the problem of US government

If you enjoy this article check out my book, I’ve made it free to help you self-quarantine: https://deponysum.com/2020/03/30/something-to-read-in-quarantine-essays-2018-to-2020/ I've seen people in the US say things like: "While the NHS works very well in many ways compared to the American health system, the British government isn't the American government. The American government is much better at … Continue reading A brief comment on the problem of US government

Interesting political and interpersonal properties of N-Numbers of people

If you enjoy this article check out my book, I’ve made it free to help you self-quarantine: https://deponysum.com/2020/03/30/something-to-read-in-quarantine-essays-2018-to-2020/ A lifetime of observing interpersonal relationships with a sometimes weirdly clinical bent has led to the following observations about the properties of different group sizes: 2 people is obviously the smallest number of people that can have interpersonal … Continue reading Interesting political and interpersonal properties of N-Numbers of people

Why doesn’t Australia raise its job seeker welfare allowance rate? A political science mystery.

EDIT: There's a glaring mistake here. It doesn't really change the analysis though. As of July 23 this year apparently Labour announced that it would support a raise to Newstart, but refused to confirm a figure. I follow this stuff pretty closely and thought I would have known had any such announcement been made, I was … Continue reading Why doesn’t Australia raise its job seeker welfare allowance rate? A political science mystery.

The Greens are suddenly much stronger in Western Europe

Across Western Europe, in many (though not all) countries, a bunch of Greens parties occupying the space between "left" and "centre-left" have suddenly become much larger. I thought readers might be interested in this phenomena so I've gathered the evidence here. I make no value judgements about this- maybe it's just neoliberalism with a new … Continue reading The Greens are suddenly much stronger in Western Europe

Rising age based polarisation in American presidential politics

Most people think of left-wing politics as the province of the young, and right-wing politics as favoured by the old. This is true, but at least when it comes to American presidential politics, it hasn't been true for as long as you think. In 2010 Gallup posted an article suggesting that Obama’s support was bifurcated more … Continue reading Rising age based polarisation in American presidential politics

The paranoid style in petit-bourgeois politics

I've found that a lot of Qanon supporters and other conspirators are relatively financially successful and/or small business owners. This isn’t surprising on purely demographic grounds- these people are older, white, Republicans so why should anyone be surprised that they often own a jet-ski dealerships and diners? It makes a lot of sense when you … Continue reading The paranoid style in petit-bourgeois politics